Categories: Other Guides0.9 min read

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If you have never heard of a skimboard- behold! It is the most FUN of all boards and today we are going to teach you some basics, that you will love! Check out our range of skimboards here!

How to use a skimboard:

First,  pick a suitable beach- watch for the one with either very little slope (for sand skimming) or very powerful shore break and steep slope (for wave skimming). Then follow these great step-by-step instructions. Start with a warm up basics:

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Then learn a few cool tricks:

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How to shop for a skimboard:

You will need different types of boards for sand skimming and wave skimming. Smaller, flatter, boards  are designed more so for sand skimming (sideways along the shore, where it’s flat), whereas the newer high-tech foam/carbon fiber boards are shaped for reaching waves. Wax: As skimboards are usually made from sleek wood, make sure you wax your board to help you with traction!

Got that? Now check out our range of Skim Boards here and get skimming! The perfect beach activity whatever your age!